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April's Directors Message


The past three months have seen significant changes at the
Senior Center. These changes have not only been noticed by our
members but by the community. Many have been supportive and
proactive in helping us to move on from the Pandemic and to
re-establish ourselves within the community. This new energy is a
revitalization of a center that has always had great members, a
great facility, and a lot of sweat equity. There is a core that loves
this center, and I am so appreciative of that.

Some have had a hard time with the changes. I understand. As I
have written in earlier newsletters, change is not always easy. The
goal is to add to a foundation that has been amazing for years.
There is no intention to diminish what we have. It is remarkable. As
we continue to grow as a vital non-profit in the community, it is
essential that we set a standard to be the best center we can be.
The goal is to offer the best services we can for every member. We
are not perfect but we will do our best.

We have so much support. Our city management is behind us as
we look to connect with the community. We have extended our
hours to offer more options for our members and for those who
have not had the opportunity to visit. We have established
partnerships with the Blaine Arts Council, the Pacific Arts
Association, and our home grown CORE Garden Program. New
members are signing up everyday and bringing new skill sets and
personalities to the center. People are visiting our Senior Center
and have been impressed in all we offer. The staff and Board of
Directors have been amazing. This has been a team effort. Please
share with me in thanking them.

It is Spring. A season of rejuvenation. As we launch new
programs and favorites, it is a time to settle into the joy of
community, to explore and have fun. To maybe even challenge
ourselves to learn, get healthier, and grow. It is going to be a grand
Spring and Summer in Blaine. Music. Art. Activities. Games.

So find a new class. Enjoy one of our many programs. Come to
an event. Most importantly, enjoy the wonderful people we have in
this community. And know, you are always welcome to give us
solutions, to offer services, to volunteer, and to contribute to
making our center better. My door and heart are always open.



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