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Director's Notes from July 2023

In the article within this newsletter...I talk about Intentional Living. In our chaotic
world we often get caught up in our routines and forget what is important to
ourselves. Intentional living helps us clarify our values and strengthen our
commitments to the things that matter to us by making conscious decisions
based on our goals and values. These values can be centered around anything
deemed as important in our individual lives. Intentional living gives us clarity and
a path to follow.

Everyone, at any stage in life, should take the time to contemplate their wants and
desires in life. We also need to be honest with how we are doing in following our
path and the authenticity in our efforts to reach what we value. After we identify
these values and goals it is important to establish a clear game plan for how we
reach them.

The Blaine Senior Center...is an intentional Living Center. A place where every
member has the ability to intentionally choose to learn, find health, and overall
wellness. Our center offers a safe place where we can learn and grow alone or
within the Centers community. This is a place where kindness rules, exploration
is endorsed, and life takes on special meaning.

My goal is to take this one step further. I want you to not only challenge yourself...
but challenge me. Have an idea? Lets start a class. Have any interest? Lets start
a group. Want to learn a skill? Lets find others with the same desires. This is our
time to follow our wants and desires. Lets start the conversations that enable us
to lead richer lives and establish paths to the values we hold near and dear. We
will all be better for it.

My challenge to you is to take advantage of this beautiful facility. Embrace a Staff
and Board of Directors that support the exploration of life. Connect and be active
within our community...a place founded in support and kindness.

I have made an intentional decision. It is to be the best Executive Director I can be.
To help you and our community grow. To be kind and compassionate...and to
embrace every senior as I strive to understand and support the values you believe
in. The Blaine Senior Center has the ability to be the hub for great fun,
exploration, and community.

Finally, I have an open door policy. I want to not only support you but to learn
from you. Lets open up the conversation as we learn to support each other and
gain a clear path to all the benefits our Center can offer.

Cheers, Pete


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